Hey, I am Leandro!

I'm a Software Developer. Currently, I work for the company intive as a Senior Software Engineer..

I have been involved in software development since 2017 although prior to that, I had worked on some smaller projects. Throughout my career, I have gained experience working in various companies, some of which include:

- AtilaDev: Owner. Mobile and Web development using ReactJS, NextJS, React Native and Flutter!

- Pablo Heinig: I developed 11 mobile applications (iOS/Android) belonging to the Exponential Apps program.

- TECNOFARMA: I developed the ELFE Agenda app (iOS/Android) for the Exponential Learning for Excellence program.

- SimTLiX: I was working in the Avaya Spaces team.

- NaranjaX: I developed a proof of concept in 12 days using SwiftUI, framework that the company NaranjaX will use in new developments. We made a presentation of this PoC in the Google Development Group Córdoba. Link on Youtube: Declarative UI Framework: Swift UI.

- Atos: I was working for the business unit RedBus. Among various tasks as technical manager, I developed the RedBus card registration applications and online maps of Red Bus Córdoba sales points. Technology used: JavaScript.

- Siemens IT Solutions and Services: I was working for the business unit RedBus. Among several tasks as technical manager, I carried out the maintenance and development of new reports for the Transportation Department of the Municipality of Córdoba. Technology used: Java.

I also like to collaborate with the Open-Source community. Some tools I have developed:

- Icons: Utility I developed to collaborate with the Framework Expo. It contains filters and keyboard shortcuts, facilitating the handling of the utility.

- Directory: Utility I developed to search for Google Fonts using the library @expo-google-fonts. Contains keyboard shortcuts and easy access to copy the exact installer of each selected font.

- useCalendar: Hook that I developed to be used with Expo Calendars to facilitate access to the calendar, managing access permissions, it stores a reference in the device so as not to recreate the same calendar twice.

I love to travel, meet people, learn and share ideas. If you're interested in working with me or just chatting, don't hesitate to contact me!


This site was developed with Next.js, Chakra, React Icons and deployed in Vercel.

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